Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mr Brown


Welcome to Year 6; the final year of your child's primary school journey. This school year promises to be an exciting one with various fun learning opportunities throughout the year. With a number of trips, the residential, end of year performance and leavers events, it is a rewarding but challenging year for the children. The children are now confident and competent learners who are able to listen, work hard and apply their knowledge.


To ensure that the children are prepared for their transition to High School, we encourage independence and that they are able to take responsibility for themselves and their own learning.


Term 1 – Autumn


In term 1, our topic is “Crime and Punishment”. We look at how crime and punishment has changed through the different periods of time and how they compare to today's laws and judicial system. The children will even get the opportunity to play a role in our very own court trial!


We investigate the features of narrative, instructional writing and poetry. Relative clauses, types of conjunctions and the use of brackets, dashes and commas to indicate parenthesis are examples of the grammar focuses this term.  Our class stories for this term is ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar and ‘Friend or Foe' by Michael Morpurgo. 

In Maths, we work hard to further develop our understanding of mathematical reasoning within Place Value, the Four Operations and Fractions. We then apply these skills in real life situations. 


In Science, we are investigating Light. We will be discovering how our eyes help us to see objects as well as how light can be reflected and refracted. We develop our investigative skills as we become detectives of light with different experiments to help solve a crime! 


Our PE days for the Autumn term are Tuesdays and Wednesdays.


Homework will be set every Friday with the work expected to be completed and returned the following Thursday. If you would like further homework, I would recommend the Year 6 CGP revision books which will help greatly with your child’s revision.


Every Monday, children will be set a new group of weekly spellings which we will be working on in class, ready for the weekly spelling quiz on Friday’s.


Term 2 - Spring

Coming soon!


Term 3 - Summer

Coming soon!

Year 6: Calendar items

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Bolshaw Primary School

Cross Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, SK8 3LW

Lynda Brown

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